Som alltid er våre samarbeidspartnere som representerer et utvalg av de viktigste aktørene innen relevante bransjer for norsk lokalradiodrift en viktig og naturlig del av samlingene. Foruten det offisielle fagprogrammet og mingling med gode radiokolleger, er konferansen også en fin og viktig arena for å holde seg oppdatert på den siste teknologiske utviklingen.
Årets utstillerområde er plassert i tilknytning til mingleområdet, like utenfor hovedsalene. Til konferansen kommer utstillere fra både Spania, USA, Serbia, Italia, Frankrike, Nederland, Sverige Tyskland, England og Norge. Til sammen vil 16 utstillere vise seg frem for konferansedeltakerne. I tillegg til utstillerne har vi også en rekke lojale og faste sponsorer og samarbeidspartnere som ikke vil være til stede med egen utstilling, men som tilbyr kringkastingsutstyr og tjenester som er relevante for din lokalradiodrift.
Vi oppfordrer alle konferansedeltakere til å besøke våre utstillere i ledige pauser. Leverandørene vil vise frem siste nyheter innen kringkastingsutstyr i tillegg til innovative digitale løsninger, plattformer og verktøy som kan bidra til en mer effektiv radioproduksjon og som hjelpe lokalradioene å ta nye steg inn i fremtiden.
Åpningstider utstillerområde
Utstillingen åpnes for publikum klokken 10.00 torsdag og klokken 09.00 på fredag og lørdag. Det er en time før det faglige programmet starter opp i de to konferansesalene.Utstillingen stenger klokken 17.00 på torsdag og fredag og klokken 16.00 på lørdag..
Thimeo Audio Technology is a global leader in award-winning audio processing and codec solutions.
Our products include Stereo Tool, the world’s most widely used audio processor; ST-Enterprise, which runs up to 50 instances of Stereo Tool on one PC; and the hardware processor STXtreme. A unique feature of our processors is that they repair audio before processing. Your station will stand out with audio quality, clarity, dynamics, and loudness.
Our MicroMPX codec is designed specifically for STL Links, carrying the full MPX signal—including pilot and RDS—at bitrates as low as 320 kbps.
Ferncast offers all-around solutions and services for radio customers. We develop software and hardware solutions for audio workflows in broadcasting. The core product is aixtream, a 24/7 software solution for radio streaming, de/muxing, SIP/WebRTC communication, podcasting, STL, loudness normalization, transcoding, event recording and logging, and more, which
Ferncast continuously develops and improves. It runs as server appliance, in virtual machine, and in Docker containers for AWS and other cloud services, as well on hardware. With a commitment to innovation, Ferncast is redefining the future of radio through forward-thinking technology and comprehensive solutions.
Broadcast Radio have more than 20 years experience in developing professional broadcast radio software for playout & radio automation, audio logging, radio newsrooms and music scheduling.
Broadcast Radio and P Squared products can be found in more than a quarter of all commercial radio stations in the UK as well as school, hospital and community radio projects of all types and sizes. Our flagship radio playout & automation system, Myriad Playout, is now used in more radio stations in the UK than any other software and can be found in stations of all types and sizes around the world.
Soundware Norge henvender seg til deg som arbeider profesjonelt med broadcast, musikk-, film-, video- og postproduksjon. Våre medarbeidere har mangeårig erfaring og stor kunnskap om lydbransjen. Vårt produktsortiment er nøye utvalgt og under stadig oppbygging, vi tilbyr også full service og support på våre produkter og systemer.
Soundware Norge inngår i et stort internasjonalt konsern med flere firmaer innen den profesjonelle lyd-, film- og videobransjen. Ring oss, send en e-mail eller besøk oss, så forteller vi mer hva vi kan gjøre for deg. Soundware Norge er en del av Dan Technologies AS og en integrert del av Danmon Group Norway AS
COM-TECH is an Italian leading company designing and developing high-end RF passive components, suppling products, and services to Customers in more than 50 Countries. COM-TECH, amongst other things, manufacturers a full range of DAB passive components, including low, medium and high-power Filters and Channel Combiners, Patch Panels, Directional Couplers, Loads, Rigid Line Components.
COM-TECH products are known for their cutting-edge technology, maximum reliability (10-year warranty), and advanced performances (high voltage safety margins, low insertion loss, compactness, mechanical stability, temperature stabilization, full-band tunability)
TRedess is a company specialised in DTT and DAB+ Transmitters and Gap Fillers, counting with more than 28.000 transmitting devices operating worldwide in more than 60 countries. TRedess portfolio counts with air cooled solutions from very low powers up to 5KW.
TRedess has become a key player in a large number of DAB+ rollouts worldwide due to the very high efficiency of TRedess DAB+ transmitters plus also the outstanding performance of SFN Gap Fillers.
Among its most important features are: compact devices, flexibility, ease operation and maintenance, cost-effective solutions, full control of design and manufacturing, first-class quality control, support, …
AdMaster is a cloud-based traffic and billing solution, originally developed by a local radio station as an in-house tool, now trusted by broadcasters in over 40 countries (including Norway).
It seamlessly integrates with any playout or scheduling software, delivering modern, smart, and intuitive management of commercial breaks through a user-friendly interface. AdMaster offers advanced features like real-time campaign reports and multi-station scheduling, simplifying operations for radio and TV broadcasters.
Accessible from any browser-enabled device, it empowers users with flexibility and efficiency, making it the preferred choice for commercial break management worldwide. For more information, visit
TEKO Broadcast is a Telecommunication company born and based in Northern Italy with headquarters in Bologna. TEKO Broadcast s.r.l. was founded in 2017 by a team of engineers with more than 30 years of experience in the broadcasting industry.
Our main activity is to Develop and Manufacture high end professional FM Transmitters and RF Amplifiers for scientific applications. Moreover, we supply all the necessary equipment on the Transmission site, Studios site, and provide worldwide service On-Site Installation.
Thousands of our pieces of equipment are on installed on some of the most popular Government and Private Radio Stations around the world.
Since 1979, on the basis of experience dating back as far as the Twenties, Aldena has been producing professional antennas and accessories for telecommunication and radio/television broadcasting. Since its establishment, Aldena has taken part in important telecommunications network projects on both national and international level.
Thanks to the company’s valuable knowledge and skills gained over the years, Aldena is able to offer innovative products and solutions, which have enabled thousands of broadcasters go on air. Aldena also offers a range of value-added services: from radioelectric design and planning – obtained through a highly specialized software division – up to factory tests, installation and field strength measurement.
Paneda was founded in 2001 after developing an idea for TV distribution to UHF from satellite to areas that have no other coverage. Paneda is a world leader provider of DAB head-end systems for DAB/DAB+ multiplexing and encoding with over 110 systems installed around the world, many of these are public broadcasters demanding high quality systems with specific requirements that requires a close co-operation in the development.
Paneda is very active in research and development and has developed a completely new concept that uses DAB as a carrier of information for public warning systems.
TINEX Group AS er et norsk teknologiselskap som siden 1991 har representert internasjonale selskaper innenfor områdene kommunikasjon og smart industri. Selskapet har agentur på kringkastingsantenner og tilhørende utstyr fra den anerkjente tyske produsenten, Kathrein. TINEX Group AS er i dag markedsledende leverandør av antenner til teleoperatørene i Norge. Kontakt Tinex for en hyggelig samtale om DAB og FM-antenner.
Radioplayer er en felles radiotjeneste med tilstedeværelse i flere land, som har ambisjon om å samle hvert lands radiokanaler på et sted, nasjonale og lokale.
Radioplayers mål er å gjøre radiolytting enkelt, spesielt med tanke på ting som er koblet til internett, som datamaskiner, smarttelefoner og nettbrett.
Målet er videre å sørge for at det norske innholdet får bred felles distribusjon også på nye digitale lytteplattformer som smarthøyttalere, i biler og strømming. Radioplayer tilbys i Norge av Norsk Radio AS. Tjenesten er en del av Radioplayer Worldwide som driver tilsvarende tjenester for kringkastere i en rekke land.
WorldCast Systems is a leading solution provider for media with over 60 years of industry experience. Our solutions and services cover the entire broadcast chain from field contribution, to audio/video distribution over IP, FM transmission, RDS encoding, signal measurement, telemetry, antenna management, and remote monitoring and control.
With our established brands APT, Ecreso, Audemat, and the NMS solution KYBIO Media, we are trusted by customers worldwide including large network operators, regulation authorities, national broadcasters and local, community stations. From product and software supply to full turnkey solutions, we accompany our customers throughout all phases of their project.
DB Elettronica and Telecomunicazioni SpA was founded in Italy in 1975. With more than 45 years of experience and consistent strategy, DB has become a recognized worldwide leader in RF transmission and communication solutions, both for public and private customers, as well as for top level scientific institutes and engineering works.
DB offers world-class, turnkey broadcasting systems, including transmitters, antennas, head-end and studio equipment. The comprehensive range of products in analogue/digital processing and transmission of radio and TV contents allows operators to find their bespoke solution in terms of quality and capital investment.
With our established brands APT, Ecreso, Audemat, and the NMS solution KYBIO Media, we are trusted by customers worldwide including large network operators, regulation authorities, national broadcasters and local, community stations. From product and software supply to full turnkey solutions, we accompany our customers throughout all phases of their project.
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NO 961 128 641 MVA
Tollbodgata 2, 4611 Kristiansand
Telefon: +47 22 40 27 20
Landskonferansene i regi av Norsk Lokalradioforbund er det viktigste samlingspunktet for hele den norske lokalradiobransjen. Arrangementet startet i 1984 og avholdes årlig i mars eller april måned. Landskonferansen består av spennende fagdager med foredrag, seminarer, debatter, prisutdelinger og idémyldring.
Daglig leder: PÃ¥l Lomeland
Bruk av tekst og bilde er kun tillatt ved henvisning til kilde.