The last conference in Fornebu/Oslo March was the largest conference ever organized on behalf of the association. In total, there were over 220 participants from over 70 unique radio stations present. There were also a total of 35 sessions and inspirational lectures during the three days the conference lasted.
As always, our partners who represent relevant industries for Norwegian local radio operations are an important and natural part of the gatherings. Take advantage of the best way to promote your products and services to the Industry! Our Sponsorship packages will give you many opportunities to make your brand stand out. As a partner, you will be a visible and important part of the event, and get a unique opportunity to reach decision-makers from the country’s most important local radio stations. The conference in 2024 brought together ten exhibitors and were quickly sold out.
If you want to become a sponsor or exhibitor at the national meeting of the Norwegian Local Radio Association 2025 Which will be held at Quality Edvard Grieg Bergen, then it is wise to secure your place already now. You order your sponsorship package by filling in the form at the bottom of this page. Below you can see which sponsorship packages we can offer in connection with the event.
With best regards,
Norwegian Local Radio Association
6 of 6 packages sold
10 of 10 packages sold
3 of X packages sold
Travel and hotel accommodation are not included. Meals, including lunch and dinner, are also not included as standard. Sponsors pay a very discounted registration fee which then includes lunch and a coffee pack daily. Participation in dinners is optional, but can be purchased as an additional package. Accommodation costs NOK 1195 per person per day in a single room.
There is an additional registration fee of NOK 2 475 per sponsor participant. This includes, among other things, lunch served every day, coffee package every day and access to professional conferences. Joint dinner on Thursday and Friday and galadinner on Saturday are also not included in the price and can be purchased as additional products, when ordering sponsor participation. Each sponsor will be sent a link, where physical participation and options can be ordered.
The exhibitor area is located in the break/mingle area and adjacent to the conference halls. The standard delivery from the Norwegian Local Radio Association is two tables (1200mm/720mm/600mm), two chairs and white tablecloths. There is a power outlet at each stand and access to wireless internet. The stands will not be divided by exhibition walls. Extra tables and chairs will be set out, so that you, as an exhibitor, can provide yourself with this freely. There is good access to electricity in the exhibition area, but we encourage exhibitors to bring extra extension cords or power strips for safety’s sake.
Rigging can start on Wednesday evening and we recommend being ready well before the conference opens. Registration opens at 09.30. There will be no defined placements and we practice the first-come, first-served principle.
All exhibitors and sponsors have the opportunity to market special offers, products or services through a full-page advertisement in our popular conference magazine. The magazine is distributed to all conference participants and distributed digitally to all our members who do not attend the conference. Completed advertisement must be delivered in high-resolution format, preferably PDF.
Bli samarbeidspartner for arrangementet? Les mer her
Would you like to become a sponsor or exhibitor for the event? Read more
NO 961 128 641 MVA
Tollbodgata 2, 4611 Kristiansand
Telefon: +47 22 40 27 20
Landskonferansene i regi av Norsk Lokalradioforbund er det viktigste samlingspunktet for hele den norske lokalradiobransjen. Arrangementet startet i 1984 og avholdes årlig i mars eller april måned. Landskonferansen består av spennende fagdager med foredrag, seminarer, debatter, prisutdelinger og idémyldring.
Daglig leder: PÃ¥l Lomeland
Bruk av tekst og bilde er kun tillatt ved henvisning til kilde.